Friday, June 27, 2014




1.    Definition:

(a)  Stimuli:      Any changes in the environment which cause response in our body.

There are two types of stimuli:
§  External stimuli – from external environment of an organism
§  Internal stimuli – from internal environment of an organism

Coordination: The process by which stimuli are detected and eventually results in appropriate response.

1.    The necessity of organism to respond to stimuli:
-  to ensure the survival of the organism

3.1.1      Components and pathways involved in detecting and responding to changes in the external environment

1.    Three main components:
(a)  Receptors
-       specialized sensory cells which detect stimuli
-       consists of cell or organ

(b)  Integrating centre
-       Consists of brain and spinal cord
-       Integrates and interprets impulses from receptors and then sends out impulses to effectors to obtain certain responses.

(c)  Effectors
-       The part of the body that makes responses
-       Consists of muscles or glands

2.    The pathways of the impulses:

(a)  Afferent pathway
-       The pathway of impulses from a receptor to an integrating centre

(b)  Efferent pathway
-     The pathway of impulses from an integrating to centre an effector

3.1.1      Components and pathways involved in detecting and responding to changes in the internal environment

1.    In regulating the internal environment, negative feedback mechanism is involved.
-       When there is a change in the internal environment, the body will respond by producing a corrective mechanism in the opposite direction.

1.    The regulation of changes in the internal environment is called homeostasis.

3.1.1      The role of coordination and response is carried out by two different systems
-       coordinates and controls body activities by sending out nerve impulses.
-       Only found in animals

(b)  The endocrine system
-       coordinates and controls body activities by secreting hormones
-       found in animals and plants


1.    The human nervous system is divided into two main subsystems:
(a)  The central nervous system (CNS)
-       consist of brain and spinal cord
-       acts as the control centre for our body activities

(b)  The peripheral nervous system (PNS)
-       includes all nerve tissues outside the central nervous system
-       links receptors and effectors to CNS
-       consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves (take impulses to and from the brain) and 31 pairs of spinal nerves (take impulses to and from the spinal cord)

1.    The nervous system performs three functions:
(a)  Sensory
-       Sensory involves the sensory receptors which detect stimuli and initiate nerve impulses that carry information to CNS

(b)  Integrative
-       CNS processes and integrates the information by analyzing and storing some of it and making decision for appropriate responses.

(c)  Motor
-       Motor transmits the commands from the CNS to an effector

2.    The role of the nervous system
(a)  detects changes in external and internal environment
(b)  sends impulses to effectors so as to respond appropriately to the changes
(c)  coordinates various functions and activities which occur inside the body

3.1.1      The Brain

1.    The brain consists of 100 billion neurons and weighs about 1300 – 1400 g in an adult.
2.    It is a highly folded structure with a large surface to accommodate more neurons
3.    Grey matter forms the outer part of the human brain, while the interior of the brain is made up of white matter.
4.    Grey matter contains the cell bodies of the neurons while white matter contains myelinated axons of the neurons.
5.    The brain is surrounded by protective membranes called meninges. Cerebrospinal fluid is found between these layers. This fluid supplies the neurons in the brain with oxygen and nutrient and removes waste products.

1.    The main parts of human brain are:
(a)  cerebrum
-       the largest and most complex part of the brain
-       divided into two halves called hemispheres
(i)    left hemisphere: controls movement of the right side of the body
(ii)   right hemisphere: controls movement of the left side of the body
-       the outer 3 mm of the cerebral hemispheres is called cerebral cortex and it is densely packed with nerve cells.
-       functions:
(i)    directing voluntary muscle movement
(ii)   creating sensory perception (see, smell, hear, taste, touch)
(iii)  responsible for higher mental abilities (learning, memory, reasoning, speech etc)
(iv) coordinates other parts of the brain

(b)  cerebellum
-       It is located at the back of the brain
-       It also has two hemispheres
-       Functions:
(i)    Coordinates the muscular movement
(ii)   Maintains body balance
-       The cerebellum receives information from the organs of balance in the ear and from stretch receptors in muscles and tendons. Then, cerebellum coordinates the movement of the muscles and maintains the body balance.

(c)  medulla oblongata
-       It is located under the cerebellum and connected to the spinal cord
-       Functions:
(i)    controls and coordinates all involuntary actions: heartbeat, breathing, digestion etc.
(ii)   contains reflex centres for vomiting, coughing, sneezing, hiccupping and swallowing

(d)  thalamus
-       Functions:
(i)    Thalamus is responsible for sorting information which goes in and comes out of the cerebral cortex.
(ii)   Integrates the information that is carried by sensory receptors to the cerebrum by enchancing some signals and blocking others

(e)  Hypothalamus
-       functions:
(i)    maintains homeostasis and contains centres for regulating sleep, hunger, thirst, body temperature, water balance and blood pressure
(ii)   controls pituitary gland and serve as a link between the nervous system and the endocrine system

3.1.1      Spinal Cord

1.    The spinal cord lines below the medulla oblongata.
2.    The spinal cord is made up of white matter on the outside and gray matter on the inside.

1.    Spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord by two short branches called roots.
-       The dorsal root contains the axons of afferent neurones which conduct impulses to the spinal cord from the sensory receptor. The dorsal root ganglion is composed of cell bodies of afferent neurons.
-       The ventral root contains the axon of efferent neurons which conduct impulses away from the spinal cord from effectors
2.    The functions of spinal cord:
(a)  processes certain types of sensory information and sends out response via the efferent neurons
(b)  connects the peripheral nervous system to the brain
(c)  acts as a minor integrating centre in producing simple reflex responses such as withdrawal of the hand from a hot object

3.1.1      Neurone  

1.    A neurone is a bacis unit of a nerve cell. Neurones cannot be replaced if damage.
2.    The function of neurones:
-       transmit nerve impulses to other nerve cells or to the glands and muscles

3.    There are three types of neurons:
(a)  afferent neurons or sensory neurones
-       carry sensory information from receptors cells into the brain and spinal cord
(b)  efferent neurons or motor neurones
-       carry information from the brain or spinal cord to the effectors, that is muscle or gland cells
(c)  interneurones or relay neurones
-       convey nerve impulses between the various parts of the brain and the spinal cord
-       transmit nerve impulses between the afferent neurons and the efferent neurons

1.    The structure of a typical neurone:

§  A typical neurone has 4 distinct parts:
(b)  Dendrites
-       receive information or signals from other neurons or from the external environment and conduct them towards the cell body
(c)  Cell body
-       contains the nucleus and other organelles
-       integrates signals and coordinated metabolic activities
(d)  Axon
-       conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body
-       some axons are insulated by a thick coat of material called myelin sheath to protect and insulate the axons and helps to speed up the conduction of nerve impulses
(e)  Synaptic terminals
-       located at the far end of each axon
-       transmit nerve impulses to muscle cells, gland cells or the dendrite of another neurone

3.1.1      Transmission of information along neurons
-           Information is transmitted along a neurone by way of electrical signals known as nerve impulses.
-           Stimuli are received by receptors
-           When a receptor receives a stimulus, it will send out information in the form of nerve impulses.
-           These impulses are transmitted along the afferent / sensory neurone to the interneurone in the central nervous system.
-           The central nervous system integrates and interprets the information and then sends out impulses to the effectors via the efferent / motor neurone.
-           When nerve impulses reach an effector, a response is elicited.

3.1.1      Transmission of information across synapses

1.    The transmission of information across a synapse:
-       involves the conversion of electrical signals into chemical signals in the form of neurotransmitters
-       is an active process which requires energy.

2.    Examples of neurotransmitters:
-       acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine

3.    The functions of synapses:
(a)  controlling and integrating the nerve impulses transmitted by the stimulated receptors
(b)  facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses in one direction.
-       a nerve impulse cannot go backward across a synapse
-       synaptic vesicles are only present in the synaptic terminals
-       only the presynaptic membrane can discharge neurotransmitters
-       receptors are only present in the postsynaptic membrane.

3.1.1      Voluntary action and involuntary action

Voluntary Action
Type of action
Involuntary Action


Involvement of Central Nervous System

Rate of action




3.1.2      Reflex Action and Reflex Arc

1.    A reflex action is a rapid response which is obtained automatically without conscious thought
2.    Examples:
(a)  rapid and automatic withdrawal of hand when it accidentally touches a hot object.
(b)  Automatic closing of eyes when an insect flys towards the eye
3.    Reflexes provide a means for immediate withdrawal from dangerous stimuli.
The pathway of a transmission of nerve impulse which produces a reflex action is called a reflex arc.

1.    Reflex arc in the withdrawal of hand when touching a hot object:
-  When the hand accidentally touches a hot object, pain receptors in the skin will sense the stimulus and produce a nerve impulse.
-  The nerve impulse is transmitted via the sensory neurone and then across a synapse to the interneurone in the grey matter of spinal cord.
-  From the interneurone, the impulse crosses a synapse again to the motor neurone.
-  The motor neurone sends the impulse to the effector organ, which is the biceps. The biceps contract and the hand withdraw from the hot object.

2.    Reflex arc for the knee-jerk response
-       When the tendon below the kneecap is tapped by a rubber-headed hammer, the quadriceps (thigh muscles) are stretched.
-       The stretching stimulates the stretch receptors in the quadriceps to produce a nerve impulse.
-       The nerve impulse is transmitted via the sensory neurone to the spinal cord.
-       Within the grey matter of spinal cord,  the nerve impulse crosses a synapse to the motor neurone.
-       When the impulse arrive at the quadriceps, the quadriceps contract, jerking leg forward
3.1.1      The autonomic nervous system

3.1.1      Diseases of the nervous system

1.    Parkinson’s Disease
-       An accelerating disorder of the CNS that typically affects victims around the age of 60 years old and above.
-       Due to the low level of dopamine ( a neurotransmitter) in the brain
-       Effects of Parkinson’s disease
(a)  tremors or trembling of the arms, jaws and face
(b)  difficulty in maintaining a normal posture and causes impaired balance and coordination
(c)  results in weakness of the muscles

2.    Alzheimer’s Disease
-       A neurological disease which affects victims around the age of 60 years old and above.
-       Main cause of the disease is still unknown, but other factors like genetic, environmental and aging process do affect.
-       Effects of Alzheimer’s disease
(a)  increasing loss of memory and unable to care for oneself
(b)  confused and forgetfully
(c)  lose their way
(d)  lose ability to read, write, eat, walk and talk
-       Hormone =  an organic chemical compound produced by an endocrine gland and is transported by blood to its target organ to obtain a certain response.
-       Endocrine gland = a ductless gland that synthesizes and secretes hormones.

3.1.1      The need of the endocrine system
-       The endocrine system complements the nervous system in maintaining homeostasis.

-       The differences between the nervous system and the endocrine system

The nervous system
The endocrine system



Type of signal

Route of transmission

Speed of transmission


Effect of action

3.1.2      The human endocrine system
-       The human endocrine system comprises glands that contain hormone-secreting cells.
-       Hormones which are no longer useful are neutralized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.
-       Organs which certain hormones act upon are called target organs.
-       A hormone may have a few target organs.

-       The functions of hormones can be divided into three main categories:

3.1.1      Regulation of hormones secretion
-       An endocrine gland releases its hormone more frequently when stimulated.
-       If there were no stimulation, the level of hormone would decrease in the blood as it is excreted or inactivated.
-       Hormone secretion is normally regulated to prevent over-production and under-production.

-       Hormone secretion is regulated by:
(a)  signals from the nervous system
(b)  other hormones
(c)  the level of certain substances in the body

1.    The regulation of hormone secretion by signals from the nervous system
-       The hypothalamus receives nerves impulses from the receptors which then sends the nerve impulses to stimulate the pituitary glands to release the hormones.
-       Pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland because it secretes several hormones that control other endocrine glands.
-       The hypothalamus has a cluster of specialized nerve cells called neurosecretory cells.
-       The cell bodies of the neurosecretory cells are located in the hypothalamus .The posterior pituitary contains the axons and synaptic terminals of the neurosecretory cells.
-       Neurosecretory cells produce:
(i)    Hypothalamic releasing hormones and Hypothalamic inhibiting hormones which carried in the bloodstream to the anterior pituitary
Ø  Hypothalamic releasing hormones: stimulate the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones
Ø  Hypothalamic inhibiting hormones: suppress the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones
(ii)   ADH and axytocin are hormones synthesized in the cell bodies but stored in the posterior pituitary. Nerve impulses that arrives at the synaptic terminals in the posterior pituitary trigger the release of both these hormones.

2.    The regulation of hormone secretion by other hormones
-       Example: The secretion of thyroxine is regulated by the thyroid-stimulating hormone.

-       Examples of hormones regulated by the secretion of other hormones:
(i)    luteinising hormone (LH)

2.    The regulation of hormone secretion by the level of certain substances in the body
-       Substances in the blood such as glucose can control the secretion of hormones.

3.1.1      The involvement of both the nervous system and the endocrine system in a ‘fight or flight’ situation

3.1.1      Hormonal imbalances and related diseases

Excess of hormone
Deficiency of hormone

Growth hormone

Excess of hormone
Deficiency of hormone



Hormone (ADH)

3.1.1      Hormone usage in medicine

1.    Growth Hormone
-       Growth hormone can be produced in large quantities through genetically-engineered bacteria
-       Growth hormone is used to treat patients who are suffering from stunted growth or dwarfism
-       Growth hormone and thyroxine can be used to treat children with cretinism

2.    Insulin
-       Insulin is extracted from cultured bacteria using advanced technology in genetic engineering
-       Insulin is used to treat patients with diabetes mellitus
-       Insulin is injected into the bloodstream to regulate the blood glucose level in a patient’s body

3.    Oestrogen
-       Oestrogen can be used to treat problems in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, problems in menstrual cycle or menopause
-       Oestrogen is also used to prevent osteoporosis in the treatment called Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women undergoing menopause
-       A mixture of oestrogen and progesterone is used to prepare contraceptive pills. The mixture of hormones in the pill changed the balance of hormones that regulates the menstrual cycle. This changes prevent ovulation and thus prevent pregnancy.

4.    Progesterone
-       Progesteron is injected into the body of a pregnant woman so that the lining of the uterine wall can be strengthened and thickened to prevent miscarriage.

5.    Antidiuretic hormone
-       Antidiuretic hormone is used to treat diabetes insipidus so that adequate amount of water will be retained in the body.


1.    Homeostasis =  The process of maintaining optimal physical and chemical conditions in the internal environment.

2.    Examples of physical factors: body temperature , blood pressure and the osmotic pressure

3.    Examples of chemical factors: partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the blood glucose level.

4.    The homeostasis occurs through a negative feedback mechanism.

5.    Examples of process that are regulated by homeostasis through negative feedback mechanism:
(a)  Regulation of blood osmotic pressure (Osmoregulation)
(b)  Regulation of body temperature (Thermoregulation)
(c)  Regulation of blood sugar level

3.2.1      Regulation of blood osmotic pressure          The Human Kidney

The position of kidney             The longitudinal section of kidney

1.    The kidneys filter blood and produce urine which exits the body through the ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.
2.    The kidney has an outer light-red region called the renal cortex and an inner darker red-brown region called the renal medulla.
3.    Urine formed in the kidney drains into the renal pelvis.
4.    The renal artery supplies oxygenated blood and nutrients to the kidney; the renal vein carries away filtered blood to the body.
5.    Within each kidney, the renal artery divides into the smaller vessels that eventually deliver blood to the afferent arteriole.
6.    Each afferent arteriole divides into a tangled capillary network called the glomerulus.
7.    The capillaries of glomerulus reunite to form an efferent arteriole.
8.    Each efferent arteriole divides to form a network of capillaries around the kidney tubules.          The nephron
1.    The functional unit of kidney is called the nephron.
2.    Each human kidney consists of about one million nephrons.
3.    A nephron consists of three major parts:
(i)            the glomerulus
(ii)           Bowman’s capsule
(iii)          the renal tubule which made up of
-       the proximal convoluted tubule
-       the loop of Henle
-       the distal convoluted tubule
4.    The distal convoluted tubule of several nephrons join to form a collecting duct.
5.    To produce urine, the nephron performs three basic processes:
(i)            Ultrafiltration
(ii)           Reabsorption
(iii)          Secretion          The formation of urine

(I)    Ultrafiltration in Bowman’s capsule

-       The kidneys receive blood from the aorta, so the blood is under relatively high pressure when it reaches the nephron.
-       This pressure is maintained because the afferent arteriole has a larger diameter than the efferent arteriole.
-       As blood enters the glomerulus, ultrafiltration takes place.
~ The high pressure forces fluid through the filtration membrane into the capsule space.
-       The fluid that enters the capsule space is called the glomerulus filtrate.
-       The glomerulus filtrate has the same composition as blood plasma, but does not contain red blood cells and plasma protein because the red blood cells and plasma protein are too large to pass through the filtration membrane.
-       The content of glomerulus filtrate:
~ water, glucose, amino acids, salts, urea and other molecules
-       Each minute about 125cm3 of filtrate enters the nephron.

(I)    Reabsorption
-       After the filtrate leaves the Bowman’s capsule, its volume and composition are adjusted in the renal tubule.
-       Useful substances from the filtrate are reabsorbed into the blood capillaries that around the tubule.

-       At the proximal convoluted tubule:
(a)  75% - 80% of water is reabsorbed back to the blood capillaries by osmosis.
(b)  100% of the filtered glucose and amino acids,  65% of sodium ion, and a large quantity of other ions such as potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium are reabsorbed back to the blood capillaries by active transport.

-       At the loop of Henle:
(a)  About 15% of water is reabsorbed back to the blood capillaries by osmosis.
(b)  Sodium ions and chloride ions are actively transported into the blood capillaries.

-       At the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting tubule
(a)  The amount of water and inorganic ions (salts) that will be reabsorbed from the filtrate depends on the body’s needs and is controlled by the endocrine system.
(b)  About 99% of water has been reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Only 1% of the water in the filtrate actually leaves the body as urine.

(II)  Secretion
-       Secretion is a process by which waste and excess substances that were not initially filtered are secreted from the blood capillaries into the renal tubule.
-       Secreted substances include:
(a)  urea
(b)  hydrogen ion
(c)  potassium ion
(d)  ammonia
(e)  creatinine
(f)   toxinxs
(g)  certain drugs
-       Secretion occurs via passive diffusion and active transport
-       Secretion takes place all along the renal tubules and collecting duct but it is relatively active at the distal convoluted tubule.
-       Secretion helps to:
(a)  eliminate and increase the rate of waste removal from the body
(b)  regulate blood levels of certain ions          The role of the kidney in homeostasis (Osmoregulation)          Consequences of impaired kidney function

1.    Kidneys that are damaged by disease or injury fail to carry out ultrafiltration at the glomerulus, and thus unable to:
-       regulate the blood osmotic pressure
-       filter the blood
-       remove the unwanted waste products

2.    Methods to treat the impaired kidney function:

(a)  Haemodialysis
-       Haemodialysis is the treatment for the patients with impaired kidney function to filter the blood by dialysis using an artificial kidney machine.

(b)  Kidney transplant
-       A kidney transplant is a procedure that replaces the impaired kidney of a patient with a healthy kidney from a donor.

3.1.2      Regulation of blood sugar level

1.    The pancreas is the gland that is responsible for maintaining blood sugar level in the normal range of 75-110mg/100ml.

2.    The islets cells in the pancreas produce and secrete hormones insulin and glucagons directly into the bloodstream.

3.    Defects in the production, release and reception of insulin by target cells can lead to diabetes mellitus.

3.1.1      Regulation of body temperature


  1. The types of drugs that are commonly abused and their effects are:

Types of drug





  1. The effects of alcohol:
(a)  Slows down the function of the central nervous system, especially the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.
(b)  Slows down reflexes and disrupts coordination, causing unclear speech, loss of balance, blurred vision and poor judgement of distance.

3.2          PLANT HORMONES

1.    In plants, hormones play an important role in growth processes such as:
(a)  seed germination
(b)  growth of roots
(c)  development of fruits

2.    There are five types of hormones in plants:
(a)  Auxins, gibberellins and cytokines are plant hormones that stimulate growth
(b)  Ethylene and abscisic acid are plant hormones that inhibit growth

3.    Functions of plant hormones:
Types of hormones
Uses in agriculture


(a)  Stimulate growth and cell elongation
(b)  Stimulate the growth of adventitious roots

(c)  Stimulate ovaries in flowers to form fruits without being fertilizer (parthenocarpy)

(d)  Inhibit the growth of weeds in high concentration
(e)  Prevent the developing fruits and leaves from falling off prematurely.

(f)   Inhibit growth of lateral buds into shoots

(a)  To promote growth in plants
(b)  To promote the growth in adventitious roots
(c)  The stigma and ovaries of certain flowers are sprayed with auxins to form fruits without being fertilized.
(d)  Used as herbicide (weed killer) in high concentration
(e)  Sprayed on fruits a few days before harvest to ensure the fruits do not fall off the plant before they are ripe.
(f)   Used on potatoes to suppress the growth of lateral buds on the potatoes.
(a)  Stimulate the ripening of fruits

(b)  Stimulate the falling off (abscission) of leaves and fruits
(a)  Sprayed in air-tight storage rooms with fruits to stimulate the ripening of fruits
(b)  Sprayed on fruits before harvest to promote abscission

(a)  Stimulate cell division and cell elongation in the presence of auxins
(b)  Delay the aging and death of leaves
(a)  Use in tissue culture to promote cell division and growth
(b)  Sprayed on vegetables to ensure that the leaves are green and fresh during packaging
Types of hormones
Uses in agriculture
(a)  Stimulate cell division and cell elongation in shoots
(b)  Stimulate the production of enzyme in germination of seeds
(a)  To increase the size of plants

(b)  Rubbed on seeds to speed up germination

Abscisic acid
(a)  Inhibits growth of shoots and promote dormancy in seeds

(b)  Stimulates the closing of stomata in water shortage
(a)  Used to prevent shoot growth and germination of seeds in winter
(b)  Conserve water by slowing down transpiration through the closure of stomata

4.    Effects of Auxins on Growth Response
-       Auxins are produced in the apical meristems of the shoot tip and the root tip in the cell division zone.
-       From the apical meristems, the auxins diffuse into the zone of cell elongation to promote growth and elongation of cells.
-       In the shoot tip, a high concentration of auxins stimulate cell elongation.
In the root tips, a high concentration of auxins inhibits cell elongation.

1.    Role of auxins in tropism

(A)  Phototropism

§  Phototropism = the growth of shoots and roots in response to light
§  If the growth response is towards the light, then its is called positive phototropism; if the growth response is away from the light, then its is called negative phototropism.
                                          i.    The coleoptile bends and grows towards the light, showing positive phototropism.
                                         ii.    The root bends away from the light, showing negaitive phototropism.

(A)  Geotropism

§  Geotropism = the growth response of shoot tips and root tips towards gravity
                                      i.        The shoot bends away from the gravity and grows upwards, showing negative geotropism.
                                     ii.        The root bends towards the gravity and grows downwards, showing positive geotropism.


  1. Include biological diagrams for more illustration

  2. ex Student revising, all the blanks, haizzzz :-\
